30 November 2022

Changes to Scouts Personal Accident Cover for Non-Member Children

We’re pleased to let you know that from 1 December 2022, the Scouts has extended its Personal Accident and Medical Expenses (PAME) insurance policy to include all non-member children. 

As a reminder, non-member children are children (under 18 years old) who aren’t members of Scouts, but who attend, or take part in, weekly meetings or events. They’re usually accompanying their parents, or with other adults. 

What does this mean for you?

If you’re a Scout county, you’ll no longer need to arrange your own insurance for non-member children or crèches opened by groups.  You’ll be pleased to know this will save you both time and money.

If you’re running a Scout meeting or activity, you’ll no longer have to check with your county, whether your non-member children are covered. It’s an automatic cover for all group

What has not changed?

If you’ve non-member adults connected to your group, such as helpers, supporters, instructors or retired members, Unity can help you arrange Non-Member PAME cover at £52 annually for up to 25 helpers.

Don’t forget, if you employ staff, by law you must have Employers’ Liability cover.  Here at Unity, we can arrange this insurance for you. 

You still need to carry out risk assessments of area and activities, and you can find more information at  www.scouts.org.uk/riskassessment.   

If you’ve any further questions about this or any other insurance matter, then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0345 040 7703.