Beaver Scouts on grass outside
21 June 2024

Where to start - Scout insurance

Insurance for Your Scout Group: A Helpful Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of scouting! As a Lead Volunteer, you have a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of your members during meetings, activities and events. One crucial aspect of this responsibility is having the right insurance in place. We're here to help you navigate the insurance landscape in simple and friendly terms.

What Insurance Cover Do You Already Have?

Great news! As part of your membership, some insurance cover is already provided centrally by the Scouts and is arranged by Unity. We are Scouts too – owned by Scouts and committed to giving back to the movement. Here are the key insurance covers already in place:

Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Insurance: 

  • This insurance covers your members in the event of an injury during a Scout activity. It's all about ensuring well-being and peace of mind.

Public Liability Insurance: 

  • This insurance is crucial for volunteers running Scouting events. It offers protection in case of accidents or injuries during these events. Unity holds the Public Liability Certificate, which you can download here:

Trustee Indemnity Insurance: 

  • This insurance provides essential protection for your group's trustees in case of legal issues.

What Additional Insurance Should You Consider?

Beyond the essential covers mentioned, there are other insurance options you might want to consider based on your specific needs:

Employers Liability: 

  • If you have paid staff, this is a legal requirement.

Minibus and Commercial Vehicles:

  • Ensure your vehicles are properly insured if they are owned by the group or you use them for scouting activities.

Property & Equipment:

  • If you own property or equipment, this insurance safeguards your assets. Think of equipment as you would contents. These are anything that would fall out of your scout hut if you turned it upside down.


  • Whether you use a trailer for storage or moving camping gear, we've got you covered.


  • If your Scout adventures involve water activities and you own anything from kayaks to motorised boats, this insurance is a must.


  • Protect your group from internet fraud and cyber threats.

Personal Accident and Medical Expenses for Non-Members:

  • This is a non-negligent policy that provides a set amount if your volunteers are injured during a Scout activity. It's an excellent way to look out for those who support your group.

Travel UK and Abroad:

  • Ensure your members are covered during trips, whether within the UK or abroad.


  • If your group arranges fundraising events or fun times, hiring equipment, caterers etc.. You may want to consider this so you’re compensated for expenses when events are cancelled or abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances.

You Scout group's insurance needs are in safe hands with us. We’re Scouts too, and we understand Scouting inside and out. Unity is here to support you, whether you choose to use our services for your insurance needs or just need advice to check you're not duplicating insurance. Use Unity Insurance as you would the Scouts Info Centre and learn about the risks of exposure.

Unity is proud to donate all our profits back to the Scouting annually.

By choosing us, you're not only securing the very best insurance for your Scout Group but also contributing and supporting the wonderful world of Scouting through insurance. So, remember, Unity is your trusted partner in insurance, and we're always here to lend a helping hand. Happy Scouting!

Call us today on 0333 0917019 and let us help you.