Safeguarding Your Charity’s Future

At Unity Insurance Services, we understand that your commitment to helping others is at the core of your charity's existence. But have you ever considered the impact of an unexpected disaster on your organisation's future? What if your building were damaged by an incident like a sudden flood or fire?

This is where Business Interruption Cover becomes essential. It's not just insurance; it's a vital component of your Business Continuity Plan, designed to ensure your charity's resilience when the unexpected strikes.

What Does It Cover?

1.     Loss of Rental Income: If your charity depends on rental income, this insurance steps in to cover the financial loss during the time your premises are out of commission.

2.     Loss of General Income: When your building is damaged, it can result in a significant drop in your charity's income. Business interruption insurance helps bridge this income gap.

3.     Increased Costs of Working: When your primary premises are unavailable, you may need to seek alternative spaces or resources to keep your operations running. This insurance alleviates the financial burden of those additional working costs.

4.     Loss of Gross Profit: For Community Interest Companies, this insurance protects your gross profit, ensuring your organisation's stability.

Remember, Business Interruption Insurance isn't limited to physical damage alone. It also comes to your aid when you're denied access to your premises due to external factors beyond your control.

There are options to Business Interruption Insurance, and we recommend having a chat with our dedicated team to let them ask the right questions so we can craft a tailored insurance plan that caters solely to your charity's unique needs.

At Unity Insurance Services, we're more than insurance; we're your committed partner in ensuring your charity's resilience and continuity. Contact us today for a quote or to learn more about how Business Interruption Insurance can provide that essential safety net for your organisation.

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