Personal Injury Plan for Scouts

Personal Injury Plan for Scouts

The Personal Injury Plan (PIP) for Scouts

Being prepared is not just for Scouting activities; it's a necessity for day-to-day life. Whether your Scout is camping with their troop, or playing some sport on a troop evening, or even just spending time with their friends, an accident can happen.

Fortunately, most injuries are minor, but there are times when they can be more serious. Injury alone is not the only pain, an accident may bring with it unforeseen expenses, overstretching finances.  That is why we have produced the Personal Injury Plan (or PIP). Open to all, it provides protection to Leaders, Supporters, Scouts and parents should an accident happen.

Personal Injury Plan for ages 6 to 70

This plan provides extensive cover for injuries sustained in an accident. There are two options, both with four levels of benefit (called Units), split into age groups of 18 years and under, and from 18 up to 70.

The options are,

  • Option 1 - cover whilst on Scouting related activities, or •
  • Option 2 - 24-hour, 365 day a year protection.

Both are worldwide in their coverage.

Cash benefits on both options are the same; lump sum benefits (depending on how many Units are purchased) for permanent disabling injuries, plus a range of cash benefits for;

  • Hospital confinement
  • Convalescence
  • Broken bones
  • Primary dislocation
  • Physiotherapy
  • Temporary total disablement
  • Accidental death
Call our team to get a quote

Call our team to get a quote


call me:

0345 040 7703