Navigate Winter Risks Safely for Season Wellness

As winter approaches, so do potential challenges. Slippery walkways, icy pathways, and stubborn fallen leaves can lead to accidents and personal injury claims. To ensure your safety and the well-being of those who use your property, let's delve into the hazards of winter and how to protect yourself from potential claims.

Icy Pathways: Icy walkways can be a recipe for accidents. Here's how to tackle this winter hazard:

  • Regularly clear walkways and car parks. Apply salt or sand to improve traction.
  • Keep an eye on maintenance: Check for uneven surfaces or drainage issues that could lead to ice build-up and fix them.
  • Use warning signs, cones, or hazard tape to alert people to potential slippery areas.

Slippery Autumn Leaves: Don't underestimate the slipperiness of wet or frozen leaves. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Regularly clear fallen leaves from walkways and parking areas.
  • Stay vigilant about the weather, as rain can make wet leaves even more treacherous.
  • Use warning signs, cones, or hazard tape to alert people to potential slippery areas.

Adequate Lighting: Ensure your property remains well-lit, especially during the darker winter days:

  • Install and maintain proper outdoor lighting to brighten up pathways, stairs, and potential danger zones.
  • Don't let broken lights linger; replace burned-out bulbs or damaged fixtures promptly.

Insurance: Despite your best efforts, accidents sadly can still occur. As Scouts you have public liability insurance arranged by Unity on behalf of Scouts HQ. 

Keeping Records: Keep records of your preventive measures like salting, leaf clean-up, maintenance, and lighting repairs. This provides valuable proof of your dedication to accident prevention, which can help defend liability claims.

Implement these tips and create a winter-friendly, safe environment on your fellow Scouts and their families.

Stay safe and sound this winter, and let's work together to make our surroundings a safer place for all.

If you have any queries or concerns around Risk Management or Public Liability, contact Unity today on 0333 188 0157 and we will gladly assist you. Remember we are Scouts too and happy to help you anyway we can.