Bonfire and firework safety
17 June 2024

Safety first with fireworks and bonfires

Staying Safe with Fireworks and Bonfires

There's something magical about gathering around a crackling bonfire and watching the sky light up with fireworks, especially on Bonfire Night. But while these festivities are a highlight of the year, ensuring safety is paramount. When dealing with flames and explosives, it's crucial to take precautions to avoid accidents.

Preparation is Key

Before the event kicks off, a little planning goes a long way in keeping everyone safe:

  • Inform Authorities: Let the local fire brigade, police, and ambulance services know about your event.
  • Professional Help: Hire a professional firework display team with proper insurance.
  • Choose a Safe Site: Opt for a location with multiple well-lit exits, away from buildings and with ample space for parking.
  • Designate Responsibilities: Have one person oversee the event's safety, with clear roles for everyone involved.
  • First Aid: Ensure qualified first-aiders are on-site and reachable by radio.
  • Crowd Control: Recruit stewards for crowd management, ensuring there's enough for the number of spectators.
  • Safety Measures: Keep firefighting equipment nearby, use barriers to keep spectators at a safe distance, and separate bonfire and firework launch sites.
  • Risk Assessments: Assess the risk and complete your Risk Assessments.  Keep the document as evidence in the event of a claim.
  • Follow Procedures: Follow your organisation's H&S procedures.


During the Show

Fireworks are beautiful but can be hazardous if not handled properly:

  • Choose Wisely: Only buy fireworks with the "CE" mark, and prohibit spectators from bringing their own.
  • Safe Handling: Store fireworks in a metal box, follow manufacturer instructions, and use launching tubes for rockets.
  • No Open Flames: Keep all naked flames away from fireworks, and never put them on the bonfire.
  • Lighting Up: Light fireworks at arm's length using a long taper, then step back.
  • Safety Timeframe: Firework displays must finish by law at specific times.


Around the Bonfire

Enjoying the warmth of a bonfire is great, but it requires responsibility:

  • Supervision: Assign an experienced adult to oversee the bonfire and ensure all children are supervised.
  • Fire Safety: Construct the fire carefully, avoid adding rubbish or using solvents to light it.
  • Check for Wildlife: Before lighting, check under the bonfire for animals, especially hedgehogs.
  • Afterward: Pour water on the fire and ensure it's fully extinguished.


After the Show

Once the festivities are over, safety isn't done yet:

  • Cleanup Safely: Wait until the display is finished before picking up used fireworks, and keep spectators away until the area is clear.
  • Protective Gear: Wear gloves and goggles when cleaning up firework debris.
  • Dispose Properly: Dispose of fully exploded fireworks in bins once they've cooled, and leave misfired ones for 30 minutes before safely handling them.
  • Water Safety: Don't remove failed rockets from mortar tubes immediately; fill them with water overnight and empty them the next day.

By following these safety measures, everyone can enjoy fireworks and bonfires without putting themselves or others at risk. Let's make sure the night sky sparkles with joy, not danger.

Firework Information

Further guidance is available from the government Health and Safety Executive and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.


Insurance cover for bonfire and firework displays

Fireworks are an outside activity and in the UK this means events are weather dependent.  Unfortunately at this time of year events can be cancelled due to bad weather.  Unity Insurance can arrange an Event Cancellation & Abandonment policy to cover your investment outlays if your event has to be cancelled for reasons outside of your control.

Talk to Unity today and let us help protect you.