summer driving safety
16 June 2024

Steer safely through summer

Navigating Summer Roads Safely: Your Ultimate Guide

Driving in the summer can be both a joyous adventure and a source of frustration. The excitement of hitting the road for a getaway can quickly turn into dismay when faced with heavy traffic and potential hazards. Whether you're planning a road trip or just commuting, here are some essential tips to keep you safe and sane on the bustling summer roads.

Care for Your Vehicle

Before embarking on a long journey, it's crucial to ensure your vehicle is in top condition. Here's a quick checklist:

  • Coolant Levels: Make sure your vehicle's coolant levels are adequate to prevent overheating.
  • Screen Wash: Keep your screen wash topped up, and stash an extra bottle in your vehicle for emergencies.
  • Tire Check: Inspect your tires for damage and ensure they have sufficient tread depth, as hot weather can increase the risk of punctures.

The Tractor Factor

Summer sees an increase in agricultural activity, meaning more farm vehicles on rural roads. Here's what you should know:

  • Expect the Unexpected: Tractors may turn unexpectedly without signaling, so stay vigilant.
  • Overtaking Caution: Exercise caution when overtaking tractors, especially if they have front loaders.
  • Watch for Debris: Be mindful of mud and hay left behind by farm vehicles, which can be hazardous, especially after rain.

Stay Alert and Cool

Hot weather can make even experienced drivers drowsy. Here's how to combat fatigue:

  • Take Regular Breaks: Schedule 20-minute breaks every two hours to stay refreshed.
  • Light Meals: Avoid heavy meals before driving to prevent drowsiness.
  • Combat Glare: Invest in good quality sunglasses to reduce glare and ensure clear visibility.

Allergy Awareness

Hay fever can pose a significant risk to drivers during the summer months. Stay prepared:

  • Use Non-Drowsy Antihistamines: Choose antihistamines that won't make you drowsy.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated and alleviate symptoms.
  • Protective Eyewear: Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from pollen and dust.
  • Keep Windows Closed: Use air conditioning instead of opening windows to keep pollen out.

Highway to Safety

While following these tips can reduce risks, having proper insurance is essential for peace of mind:

  • Insurance Cover: Ensure you have adequate insurance cover and roadside assistance for your vehicle.
  • Expert Advice: Our account handlers are available to guide you on insurance options for various vehicles, including minibuses.

By following these tips and staying prepared, you can navigate summer roads safely, whether you're embarking on a long journey or just commuting to work.

Stay safe and enjoy the ride!

Let us help you

Our account handlers are here and happy to advise on insurance and roadside cover options for minibuses and other vehicles owned by your Scout group or charity. 

For more information on our insurance for minibuses and other motor vehicles, please click on the links below:

If you have insurance queries call us today on 0333 0917019