Weathering the storm
17 June 2024

Weathering the storm

Weathering the Storm: Stay Prepared and Safe

The British love talking about the weather, but it's more than just a popular conversation starter. Our weather is highly variable, and sudden swings from stormy skies to blazing sunshine can catch anyone off guard. Extreme weather events can cause significant damage, but with the right precautions and property insurance, you can focus on what's most important: your safety.

In the Calm Before the Storm

While the UK may not face tornadoes, we have seen our share of destructive storms. Preparing your property during calm periods can save you a lot of trouble and money when the next storm hits.

  • Regular Maintenance: Ensure your property is in good condition. An insurance claim might be denied if the property was already unsound.
  • Roof and Fences: Check for loose roof tiles and secure flimsy garden fences.
  • Tree Safety: Keep trees free of large, loose branches. Hire a tree surgeon to remove them safely.

Heed the Weather Warnings

With numerous ways to check the forecast, you’ll usually have a few days' warning before a storm hits. Use this time wisely.

  • Secure Loose Items: Strong winds can turn everyday objects into dangerous projectiles. Secure or stow away ladders, wheelie bins, and other loose items.
  • Clear Gutters and Drains: Ensure they are free of debris to prevent water damage from heavy rain.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit: Stock up on food, water, torches, warm clothes, and medicine.
  • Keep Contacts Handy: Have the contact details of your gas and electricity suppliers, local water authority, and property insurer readily available.

During the Storm

Your personal safety is the priority during a storm. Avoid taking risks and keep a mobile phone on you at all times.

  • Stay Indoors: Don't venture outside unless absolutely necessary.
  • Stay Informed: Listen to weather updates and follow advice from authorities and news channels.

After the storm

Once the storm passes, it’s time to assess any damage and start the recovery process. This can be an emotional and stressful time, but following these steps can help:

  • Safety First: Only return to your property when it’s safe and avoid using electricity, gas, or water until you get the all-clear.
  • Contact Your Insurer: Get in touch with your insurer as soon as possible. They will help arrange repairs and guide you through the next steps.
  • Emergency Repairs: If you need to make emergency repairs to prevent further damage, inform your insurer and keep all receipts for your claim.
  • Keep Damaged Items: Retain damaged items, unless they pose a hazard, as they might be repairable or replaceable under your insurance.
  • Wait to Redecorate: Flood-damaged properties can take weeks or months to dry out. Be patient before starting redecorations.

Support When You Need It

Should you need more information or assistance, Unity Insurance is available to answer your queries and provide support for claims. Being prepared and knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference when weathering a storm. Stay safe, stay informed, and ensure you have the right insurance cover to protect your property.

Storm damage cover for your buildings

Our expert staff are happy to help arrange the storm damage cover for your buildings.  Give us a call on 0345 040 7702.